Sunday, September 19, 2010


As you can see my last blog was some time ago, but I really do have a good excuse for all of this...
Pandemonium in the House of Glass. I think when one get to a certain age, we kind of get beyond patience for screaming children, petty insecurities and the need for attention. We just need our own pace to do things in with no extra drama. I have come to the conclusion that everybody in my household is intent on pursuing their own agenda and to hell with everybody else.This weekend was a excellent example of this. It started of fine (only a little bit of bickering and complaining) but by Sunday morning all hell broke loose! My son in law was annoying my husband with his total inability to do ANYTHING. It turned into a huge free for all in the kitchen with the two of them yelling at each other, my son adding in his bit and wanting to punch his brother in law for speaking to HIS father in this manner..etc etc... needless to say my husband gave them 2 hours to "Get their stuff together and get out" It took the next two hours of crying (from my daughter) reasoning (from me) to calm the situation and restore the House of Glass, to a reasonable form of peace.OMG did I say peace, well that would be a bit of an exaggeration, lets just say a bit more peaceful than normal.....

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My weekend....

Friday was a relatively busy day at work, and due to my upcoming course (start Monday the 6th) and my workload for month end, I decided I would bring some work home to try and do as much as possible, thereby freeing myself to concentrate on the course....what a joke. It is now Sunday 11.50 and I'm sitting writing on my blog site in a desperate attempt to release myself form all my frustrations. The TV in the lounge is on full blast (reruns of the A Team). My grandchildren are running up and down the passage (I have wooden floors) Screaming and laughing. Their father is in a coma in front of the TV and my daughter is trying to breastfeed in the bedroom. The love of my life is outside (Hiding I think) in the garage. My son has also disappeared for the weekend. In between all this I am busy doing about 8 loads of washing and I know everyone will start moaning about getting hungry shortly, so I will have to leave my work and my precious blog and head for the kitchen...oh well...*sigh*

Friday, September 3, 2010

To Be or Not to Be?

To be or not to be a mother in law from hell? that is the big question...?
I ask this question of myself on a daily basis.
Yesterday, according to my sources (?) my extended family was to finally receive an income. I thought that my daily pilgrimage to the local store would be cheaper than previous days, as I would not have to buy all the little extra things that are "needed". HA a few minutes before I left work I received the dreaded SMS. These always read as follows "WE NEED etc etc." Well quite frankly I DO NOT NEED any of the items that follow on the list! I stubbornly go past the store on my way home and grinning to my self, as if I had won a small victory, drive through the front gate. I am not even out the car when I am asked "Did you not go to the shop" Ehr ..No.."  I see the look of "How could you be so mean..?" Dam, why am I such a push over? I open my purse, hand over the required amount for "WHAT WE NEED" and at the same time pass over my car keys. So instead of saving the money, it has now cost me more, double the petrol and if I had gone to the store myself I could have easily "forgotten" one or two of the items on the list. Today is going to be different! I will stand my ground...why do I not believe myself.


This will be my 1st post on my new blog, and I am really amped to start writing or should I say ranting.
This blog was born from frustration and in the hope that "others" like me ..out there in blog world are having the same feelings and frustrations as I am.

About a year ago my husband and i breathed a sigh of relief as our last born left the nest, Yes, I know some parents out there are saying "How could you be so horrid" well if they are truly honest with themselves they will admit that it is a relief. Financial and otherwise. We had our home all to ourselves, I could walk the house wearing only my bloomers and a T shirt. I could eat when I wanted to, I was able to watch what I wanted on the Telly, it WAS wonderful, I guess you have noticed my use of the past tense in all the above situations...and that is exactly what it the past :(

Four months ago, the last born returned...well.. that was not to 19 he pretty much hung out in his room or disappeared with friends and is to a certain extent financially independant.. A month later the 2nd last born (not sure if that the correct term) also returned.......but not alone. It returned home, eight months pregnant, with a spouse, two children under the age of 3 and the mother in law! OK so we managed to pack the mother in law off within a week to her other relatives. But two months later..I am ready to pack my own bags and leave my own home for a tiny shack up in the mountains...if only I could find one.

Over the next few weeks I will be publishing blow by blow events as they happen, I will appreciate every bit of feed back, comment, agreement, disagreement on this, It will make me feel 100% normal again just to know that maybe, just maybe THAT I AM NOT ALONE!!!